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Party History Study 

Shandong Port held a summing up meeting on party history study and education

Shandong port group party history learning and education summary meeting was held in Qing. The meeting thoroughly implemented the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the central and provincial party committees to summarize the spirit of the party history learning and education meeting, comprehensively summarize the effectiveness of Shandong port party history learning and education and experience, to consolidate and expand the results of party history learning and education arrangements and arrangements, the study and implementation of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee to further lead to depth, with excellent results to meet the victory of the 20th CPC National Congress.

Secretary of the Party Committee of Shandong Port Group, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Huo Plateau, head of the leading group of Party history study and education, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, while Lian Dianwu and Wang Pengpeng, members of the second touring steering group of Party history study and education of the Provincial Party Committee, attended the meeting to guide. Li Fengli, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, director and general manager of Shandong Port Group and deputy head of the Party History Study and Education Leading Group, presided over the meeting. Liu China, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and director of Shandong Port Group, deputy head of the Leading Group of Party History Study and Education and director of the office, conveyed the spirit of the summary meeting of the Party History Study and Education of the Central and Provincial Committees.

Huo Plateau pointed out in his speech that to carry out Party history learning and education in the whole Party is a major strategic decision made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to it, personally planning, personally deploying and personally promoting it, and has made many important speeches and instructions, pointing out the way forward for the Party history learning and education to start at a high starting point and advance at a high standard. The Party Committee of Shandong Port Group conscientiously implemented the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the work requirements of the provincial party committee, under the strong guidance of the second touring steering group of the Party History Study and Education of the provincial party committee, focusing on "learning history to understand, learning history to increase confidence, learning history to honor morality, learning history to do", based on "I do practical things for the masses The two main focus points are "I do practical work for the masses" and "comprehensive work enhancement", carefully organizing and implementing, solidly and orderly promoting, further strengthening historical self-confidence, enhancing historical self-awareness, realizing the "learning party history, understanding ideas, doing practical work, opening a new bureau" purpose. The purpose of Shandong Port focused on learning the history of the Party and understanding the ideology, and further enhanced its political consciousness to support the "two establishments" and achieve the "two safeguards"; focused on viewing the general situation and seeking the overall situation, and further enhanced its consciousness of the mission to integrate into the national development strategy; focused on keeping the original intention and undertaking the mission, and further enhanced its consciousness of the purpose to do practical work for the public. The purpose of doing practical work for the masses is further enhanced; the action consciousness of high-quality development is further enhanced by focusing on the new bureau; the style consciousness of integrating development is further enhanced by focusing on carrying forward the great founding spirit of the Party.

Huo plateau stressed that the central and provincial party committee summary meeting of party history study and education respectively outlined five aspects of experience, in the party history study and education, Shandong port also formed the following five aspects of experience and inspiration, highlighting the layers of compacted responsibility throughout, highlighting the strengthening of the party's innovative theoretical armament throughout, highlighting the integration of port history into the party history education system throughout, highlighting the strengthening of the spirit within the shape throughout, highlighting The practical work of the masses and the work of the service centre are always carried out. For these experiences and inspirations, Shandong port should continue to adhere to and carry forward in the future work.

Huo plateau pointed out that we should conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and the deployment requirements of the higher party committee, to take practical action to promote the normalization of party history study and education, long-term effect, and continue to consolidate and expand the results of party history study and education. The company's main goal is to provide a high level of political standing, firmly support the "two established", resolutely do "two maintenance". The company is also a member of the Board of Directors of the National Association of the United States of America. To persistently carry forward the great party spirit, and strive to create a new situation in the construction of world-class marine ports. To persistently strengthen the sense of purpose, cohesion of officers and entrepreneurs of the powerful synergy. To persistently deepen the overall strict governance of the party, to accelerate the construction of world-class marine ports to provide strong political security.

The meeting was held by video, with one main venue and eight branch venues. Members of the leading team and senior management of Shandong Port Group, members of the Leading Group Office of Party History Study and Education of the Party Committee, members of the leading team of each directly subordinate unit, staff above the deputy level of each department at the headquarters, and representatives of some party members, cadres and staff attended the meeting.